11 Random Things Chain Blog/Tag/Post Thingy

While I’m working on my bucket list, I want to post whenever I can.  My awesome sister, Kelly (http://www.trimommylife.com/), tagged me so I thought I’d share the love.  Maybe you would like to know a little more about me, the girl who loves heights and hates bees.

1. Post these rules.
2. Post 11 random things about yourself.
3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.
6. Tag 11 more people!

11 random things about me.

1. I love to write and think I have a pretty great vocabulary, but I am terrible at Words With Friends. I can come up with delightfully long words, but still lose to someone who has the knack for placing simple words on the board’s hot spots. But Angry Birds? I’m great at killing little green piggies.

2. Since I’ve discovered my undying love for dark chocolate, milk chocolate just doesn’t taste “right.” For some reason, it tastes like sour milk to me now.

3. I have elaborate, detailed dreams nearly every night. I also have recurring dreams. At least once a week, I dream I’m using the bathroom in front of someone or a group of people.

4. I despise baked raisins. Dry raisins? Great. Raisins covered in chocolate? Awesome. Raisins in cookies or bread? Awful.

5. Sometimes, knowing I am understood means more than love (or like) to me. I can deal with someone not liking me for a reason that is true, such as my hating Star Wars; however, if I feel they have misjudged me, it tears me up inside.

6. I do not understand the fascination with American Idol.

7. I love traveling, kind of. I love seeing new places, people, and landscapes, but I really don’t like flying on planes, driving in cars, etc. I’m actually quite a grouch until I get where I’m going. If I have a window seat and some Dramamine, I’m pretty good.

8. I need hugs. Great big bear hugs. I start feeling depressed if I go too long without a good hug.

9. I love color. One of the reasons I love spring is because I enjoy seeing all the grass, trees, and flowers light up with color. It gives me hope that everything will be ok.

10. I think my greatest talent is keeping secrets. It’s not just about not saying something; I know how to artfully skirt around subjects to derail the conversation if asked directly.

11. I think 11 things is six too many, so I am changing the rules to Five Random Things. I made it this far. Consider me the Head Gamemaker now.


These questions are from my sister, who tagged me.

1. What is the thing in your life you are most proud of?  I guess I would say my kindness to other people. I genuinely try to treat others with respect. I am not especially outgoing, but I try to be friendly when people approach me.

2. What is your biggest regret?  It’s hard to really call it a regret, but often I wish I had followed my heart when it came to college and gone to a different school than the one I ended up at.

3. If you had to eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Hands down, sweet potato. No question.

4. Do you give up things for Lent? If so, what are you giving up this year and why? I don’t usually. I always celebrate Fat Tuesday, though. Duh.

5. What is your perfect evening? My perfect evening would be walking along the beach at sunset, after a long day in the sun; jamming my toes in the cool sand and splashing in the warm water; sitting on a chair feeling the soft breeze while hearing the waves crashing.

6. Do you have siblings? If so, do you buy into the whole birth order thing? Yes, one sister and one brother, and absolutely. I’m the baby and I love it!

7. What is your favorite thing to cook? I love cooking and trying new things, but if you look at #3, I bet you can guess it has to do with sweet potatoes. I love making sweet potato casserole. It’s one of the few recipes I know by heart.

8. In what kind of social situation do you feel most comfortable? I feel very comfortable eating lunch with my coworkers every day. They make always make me laugh.

9. In what kind of social situation do you feel most awkward? I’m a terrible “mingler.” Bring me to a party with a bunch of people I don’t know, and I’ll want to get out of there as fast as I can.

10. If you could go back to college, would you? Yes. I’m still working on that one. I would be a student forever if I could afford it.

11. What quality do you possess that makes you a good friend? I am trustworthy and reliable.


Below are my five questions for the people I’ve tagged, or YOU if you desire. 🙂

1. If you live to be 100+, what will you say it’s because of?

2. Has there ever been a moment where you thought you might die? If so, what was it?

3. What is something that makes you happy every day?

4. Tell me about the last book you read.

5. Out of all of your birthdays, which one stands out as the most memorable, and why?


These are the people I’ve decided to tag:

1. Nathan

2. Drew – drewplaysdrums

3. Wendy

4. Pedro – The [Ghost] Psalms and

5. Mike – it’s Mike Burns.

[Non] Sequitur

As far as reality TV goes, there are a few shows that still manage to get my attention.  I absolutely adore So You Think You Can Dance.  Each season, I am enthralled with the talent of the dancers and the choreographers.  The judges have a way of driving me crazy, but if I DVR it, I can just skip to the dancing.

Another one of my reality TV obsessions is The Bachelor.  I can’t help it.

You already know by the title that this is non sequitur, but by now you’re probably really thinking, Why is she going on and on about reality TV on her bucket list blog?

I’ve never actually applied to The Bachelor, but I imagine as part of the application process the producers want to know, “What is your greatest fear?”  Year after year, some girl inevitably goes on a date where she has to conquer what she’s deathly afraid of.  I’m certain 99% of them must answer “heights.”

Emily and Ben on the Bay Bridge

Alas, I have outsmarted them.  If I were to ever apply, don’t expect me to write my greatest fear—which is bees, by the way.  I am sure if I answered “bees” they would send me on a date to a bee farm to get honey for the girls to eat breakfast the next day.  The description on my date card would be something like “Let’s see what all the buzz is about” or “Will you be my honey?” or some other crap like that.  Yep, it would definitely be a date with millions of bees, smoke, and those weird hats with veils.

Just looking at this photo makes me cringe.

Instead, I would choose an item from my bucket list.

Aha, now I understand how this post fits.

Since heights is actually something I love, I would say something like ziplining through a rainforest, or parasailing. On one of the seasons, they rappelled down a waterfall in Costa Rica. That would seriously be awesome.

Yes, please!

So, if by any chance I actually apply to The Bachelor, and I make it to an exotic location, and I get a one-on-one date, you can be assured that the date will be something risky and daring, and have absolutely nothing to do with bees.

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